Thomas WILLIAMS (University of Tasmania, Australia)

Pb-Pb dating of Plagioclase Feldspar grains at ODP Site 1165A to study the provenance of iceberg
rafted debris during mid-Pliocene warmth

Awarded £3160

Aimee VAN DER REIS (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

Is the sub-ice platelet layer a biodiversity powerhouse fuelling the Antarctic marine ecosystem?

Awarded £6000

Victoria TAYLOR (University of Bergen and Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Norway)

Antarctic ice sheet inception and the role of the Southern Ocean

Awarded £5900

Erica SPARAVENTI (Institute of Marine Science of Andalusia, Spain)

Assessing the biogeochemical composition of penguin guano

Awarded £6000

Amanda PETTERSEN (University of Sydney, Australia)

Early-life physiology of Antarctic krill in warming waters

Awarded £6000

Katherine GALLAGHER (Stony Brook University, USA)

Assessing the vertical distribution on microplastics along the West Antarctic Peninsula

Awarded £5980

Amy FEAKES (University of Southampton, UK)

Enhancing Understanding of Fin Whale Communication through Integrated Acoustic and Biotelemetry Studies in the Southern Ocean

Awarded £5876

Venkatesh CHINNI (Rutgers University, USA)

First field observations of iron chemistry inside the Dotson Ice Shelf cavity

Awarded £5980

Manon BAYAT (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

Host Identity Role in Gut Microbiome Variability

Awarded £6000


Beatriz RONCERO RAMOS (University of Seville, Spain)

Linking Antarctic biocrusts metagenomics to their influence on physicochemical soil properties

Awarded £5287

Hanne NIELSEN (University of Tasmania, Australia)

Antarctic Future Workforces

Awarded £4600

Natasha LUCAS (British Antarctic Survey, UK)

Understanding the seasonal evolution of iron supplies and its limitation on phytoplankton production in the Southern
Ocean using a full annual cycle of high-resolution glider observations

Awarded £4756

Leena RIEKKOLA (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

Multidisciplinary approach to assessing southern right whale feeding ground fidelity in the Southern Ocean

Awarded £5995

Aswathi DAS (National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, India)

Impact on the basal melting of the Amery and West Ice shelves by the intrusion of water masses in the Prydz Bay
region of East Antarctica

Awarded £6000

Thomas WILLIAMS (University of Tasmania, Australia)

Pb-Pb dating of Plagioclase Feldspar grains at ODP Site 1165A to study the provenance of iceberg rafted debris
during mid-Pliocene warmth

Awarded £3160

Dieter TETZNER (British Antarctic Survey, UK)

Reconstructing the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds during the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition (LGIT)
(18,000-11,000 years ago)

Awarded £6000

Tyler PELLE (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA)

Drivers of warm water access to the sub-ice shelf ocean cavity of Vanderford Glacier, East Antarctica

Awarded £5269

Yingchu SHEN (University of Bristol, UK)

Unravelling the Southern Ocean paleoceanographic changes over the last millennium using cold-water coral

Awarded £5417

Amandine GAMBLE (University of Glasgow)

Ecology of pox viruses in a Subantarctic seabird community

Awarded £5973


Sammie BUZZARD (Cardiff University, UK)

Coupling Antarctic Ice Shelf Flow-Flexure and Hydrology Models

Awarded £5000

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